Well, not quite...although I do have a few new holes in my jacket thanks to some sparks.
Yes, last night was our annual tree burning party - that annual festival where we watch our long-beloved holiday traditions and memories (oh! the turkey that has now made it's way to my thighs. Oh! the dysfunctional gatherings. Oh! the childhood tantrums of toys and dreams not found amidst the wrapping clad carnage under the tree.) burning up in a fireball of dazzling proportions. A time to reflect on the year that was and drink enough beer to not care about the year ahead.
At least this year it was cold enough to chill our beverages of choice upon immediate contact with the arctic air. Global warming my ass!
But, this year's annual "terrify the neighbours" extravaganza came with a new twist - a perfect opportunity for me to try capturing low light situations, as well as the mesmerizing glow of half a tree ablaze.
Yes, it was freezing (I think around -40 with the windchill). Yes, flying embers were a clear and present danger - especially with N's obvious predisposition for pyromania! But I persevered and got off a few good shots. (Shot at ISO 6400, 24-104 lens, F4 with da Mark 2. Some post in lightroom.) Thanks to all who came out and braved the cold to make this another memorable night!