Wow. Those last few months of school almost killed me. Not surprisingly, I managed to put off any illnesses until the last week of school...and then immediately upon graduation found myself bedridden with the mother of all colds. is the all-too-short summer here in 'da Peg. So, I couldn't let a little sinusitis/laryngitis keep me down! So here's what I've been upto in photog land.
Celebrations around town...Grad season meant some fun portraits with the latest additions to the workforce! thanks to J for being a great model. :)
Street's a double-secret-probation HK photo tip: try panning to capture a unique view of the motion! Just set your shutter speed to

around 1/30s (to start) and start following the motion of the subject before you snap the shot. Keep on following the motion as you press the trigger...with practice, you should end up with something like this!
See the whole series
ven more celebrations...Canada Day meant opportunities to try out fireworks photography for the first time. Although I tried a wide variety of shutter speed/apeture combos, I found that long shutter speeds, combined with at least a few stops lower than the ambient scene produced some decent results. This image makes the most of the loogans who parked their lawn chairs right in front of my shot!
See the whole series
Summer time...
and the shooting is easy. Camping trips always make for great photo material. Sit back with a cerveca in hand and experiment with your apeture/shutter speed combos.